Invited Talks

Workshop on Investigating Consciousness in Humans, Animals, and Artificial Systems, Ruhr-Universitat, Germany, June 2023
Invited talk on 'Seeing is Deceiving: Why Consciousness Cannot be Inferred from Behaviour in Animals and Artificial Systems'. [Slides]
Department Seminar, University of Campinas, Brazil, October 2021
Invited talk on 'Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Consciousness'. [Slides] [Video]
Panel Discussion on Black Mirror as Philosophy, Hawaii Con, September 2020
Invited to participate in a panel discussion about Black Mirror and Philosophy. [Video]
Special Virtual Meeting on Creative Explorations in Artificial Intelligence, 2020
Invited talk on 'What is Artificial Intelligence?' [Slides].
COPPE Seminar, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2019
Invited talk on 'Understanding and Modelling Consciousness' [Slides] [Video].
Workshop on Consciousness, Models and the Artificial, part of Creativity 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Invited keynote talk on 'Understanding and Modelling Consciousness'.
COGS Seminar, University of Sussex, 2019
Invited talk on 'How can we Discover General Scientific Theories of Consciousness?'.
Knowledge Lab Seminar, Birbeck, University of London, 2018
Invited talk on 'Generalizable Scientific Theories of Machine Consciousness'.
SRI Workshops on Consciousness, 2017
Invited to participate in a series of workshops on consciousness that were held in the US and the UK.
Headstrong Club, Lewes, 23rd September 2015
Invited talk on 'Can We Build a Conscious Machine?'.
Special Symposium on Machine Consciousness, 10th Polish Philosophical Congress, Poznan, 18th September 2015
Invited talk on 'From Human to Machine Consciousness'.
Cognitive Science Seminar, University of Sussex, Brighton, 1st March 2011
Invited talk on 'The Scientific Study of Human and Machine Consciousness'.
Whitehead Lecture, Goldsmiths College, London, 4th December 2010
Invited talk on 'Perception, Causation and the Scientific Study of Human and Machine Consciousness'.
BICS 2010, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, 15th July 2010
Invited keynote speaker. Gave a talk on 'Developing and Debugging Conscious Machines'.
Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics, University of Reading, UK, 27th April 2010
Invited tutorial with Igor Aleksander on 'Informational Measures of Consciousness'.
Bath AI Seminar Series, University of Bath, 19th November 2009
Invited talk on 'The Development and Analysis of Conscious Machines'.
NeuPhi Neurophilosophy Group, University of Boston, 29th October 2009
Invited talk on 'The Science of Human and Machine Consciousness'.
The Philosopher's Rally, University of Twente, The Netherlands, 12-13th May 2009
Invited keynote speaker.
Department of Philosophy, University of Essex, 4th December 2008
Invited talk on 'Machine Consciousness'.
Nokia Workshop on Machine Consciousness, Helsinki, 21-22 August 2008
Invited paper on 'A Systematic Approach to Synthetic Phenomenology'.
Panel on 'The Limits of Knowledge', ICA, London, 19th June 2007
Invited to participate in a panel with Hilary Lawson, Emma Kay, Stuart Sim and Mark Vernon.
Trondheim Matchmaking Festival, Trondheim, 2006
Invited talk on 'Machine Consciousness'.
Borderlines, Forum for European Philosophy, London, 2005
Invited to participate in a panel with Hilary Lawson and Julie Kuhlken that introduced the book What Philosophy Is.


Engatica, 2022.
Interview on 'Do machines have consciousness?'.
Risk Roundup, 2019.
Interview on 'Human Consciousness to Machine Consciousness'.

Other Talks and Posters

Kinds of Intelligence 2, Cambridge, UK, September 2021
Talk on 'A Universal Measure of Intelligence based on Prediction'. [Slides] [Video]
Mancept Workshop on 'Governing Artificial Intelligence', University of Manchester, September 2021
Paper on 'Using Universal Measures of Intelligence to Govern Artificial Intelligence'. [Paper].
Artificial Intelligence Seminar, Middlesex University, February 2020
Talk on 'Prediction and Intelligence'. [Slides].
AAAI Spring Symposium on 'Towards Conscious AI Systems', Stanford, USA, March 2019
Talk on 'Four Preconditions for Solving MC4 Machine Consciousness'. [Slides].
CenSAMM Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Apocalypse, Bedford, April 2018
Talk on 'Machine Consciousness and the AI Apocalypse'. [Slides] [Video].
Theory of Computing and Artificial Intelligence (ToCAI) seminar, Middlesex University, March 2016
Talk on 'The Science of Consciousness and Scientific Theories about the Brain'.
Computability in Europe (CiE), Bucharest, July 2015
Talk on 'Are Computations Objectively Present in the Physical World?'.
Turing Centenary Research Project, 3rd Workshop on Mind, Mechanism and Mathematics, CiE, Bucharest, June 2015
Talk on 'How can we Scientifically Study Consciousness?'.
Work in Progress Seminar, University of Sussex, May 2015
Talk on 'How can we Scientifically Study Consciousness?'.
Turing Centenary Research Project: 2nd Workshop, Columbia University, New York, May 2014
Talk on 'Computation, Information and the Correlates of Consciousness'.
The 21st Century Body Reloaded Symposium, UCL, London, November 2013
Talk on 'Modification and Enhancement of Consciousness'.
Wiston House Consciousness Retreat, Sussex, UK, September 2013
Talk on 'A Computational Approach to the Discovery of the Correlates of Consciousness'.
Computability in Europe (CiE), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, July 2013
Talk on 'Are there Computational Correlates of Consciousness in the Brain?'.
Workshop on Mind, Mechanism and Mathematics, Computability in Europe (CiE), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, June 2013
Talk on 'Mathematically-defined Ontologies and the Correlates of Consciousness'.
AISB Emergence of Consciousness Workshop, St Mary's University College, London, May 2013
Talk on 'The Emergence of the Concept of Consciousness'.
Fifth Philosophy of Information Workshop, University of Hertfordshire, March 2013
Talk on 'Are Information or Data Patterns Correlated with Consciousness?'.
Sackler Centre Seminar, University of Sussex, 22nd August 2012
Talk on 'Philosophical and Experimental Approaches to the Scientific Study of Consciousness'.
CogSys 2012, Vienna, Austria, February 2012
Poster with Z. Fountas, M. Shanahan and A.K. Fidjeland on 'A Cognitive System with a Neurally-Implemented Global Workspace'.
Philosophy Now Radio Show, UK, February 2012
Participated in a Philosophy Now Radio Show panel on posthumanism and transhumanism.
AI-2011, Cambridge, UK, December 2011
Participated in demonstration and panel as part of special session on 'Alan Turing and the Turing Test for Machine Intelligence'.
Towards a Science of Consciousness, Stockholm, Sweden, 1st May 2011
Presented a half day workshop with Ron Chrisley on 'From Neural Correlates to Falsifiable Predictions: How Consciousness Research can become more Scientific'.
Towards a Science of Consciousness, Stockholm, Sweden, 4th May 2011
Presented a paper on 'Reporting Conscious States: A Neuro-phenomenological Analysis'.
EU Cognition II Meeting, Thessaloniki, Greece
Presented a poster with Andreas Fidjeland, David Gamez, Edgars Lazdins and Murray Shanahan on 'NeMo, SpikeStream, iSpike:Three Tools for Biologically-Inspired Spiking Neural Networks and Robotics'.
AISB Symposium on Machine Consciousness, York, UK, 7th April 2011
Presented a paper on 'Information Integration, Data Integration and Machine Consciousness'.
International Workshop on Bio-Inspired Robots, Nantes, France
Poster with Andreas Fidjeland, David Gamez, Edgars Lazdins and Murray Shanahan on 'iSpike: A Spiking Neural Interface for the iCub Robot'.
ASSC 14, Toronto, Canada, 24th June 2010
Gave a tutorial with Igor Aleksander on 'Informational Measures of Consciousness'.
ASSC 14, Toronto, Canada, 25th June 2010
Presented a paper with Igor Aleksander on 'A Critique and Extension of Consciousness as Integrated Information'.
AAAI Fall Symposium on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, Washington, 6th November 2009
Presented a paper on 'Taking a Mental Stance Towards Artificial Systems'.
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'07), Porto, 2007
Presented a paper on 'SpikeStream: A Fast and Flexible Simulator of Spiking Neural Networks'.
NeuroIT Summer School, Delmenhorst, 2007
Presented a poster on 'Conscious Systems for SIMNOS'.
BSPS Annual Conference 2007
Presented a paper on 'Science and Self-reflexivity'.
PPNB, Bristol, 2007
Presented a paper on 'Analysing Artificial Systems for Consciousness'.
IEEE Conference on Advances in Cybernetics Systems, Sheffield Hallam University, 2006
Presented a paper on 'Two Simulation Tools for Biologically Inspired Virtual Robotics'.
AISB 2006, University of Bristol
Presented a paper on 'The XML Approach to Synthetic Phenomenology'.
McDonnell Workshop: Neurophilosophy: The State of the Art, 2005
Presented a paper with Owen Holland on 'An Anthropomimetic Robot Platform for Consciousness Research'.
AISB 2005, University of Hertfordshire
Presented a paper on 'An Ordinal Probability Scale for Synthetic Phenomenology'.
Applied Vision Association Annual Meeting, University of Bristol, 2005
Poster with Iain Gilchrist, Owen Holland, Rob Knight, Tom Troscianko and Ben Vincent on 'A biomimetic research platform for active vision research'.
MMM-ACNS Workshop, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2003
Presented a paper on 'Safeguarding SCADA systems with anomaly detection'.
SEP 6th Annual Conference, University of Essex, 2003
Presented a paper on 'Pax Americana'.
Philosophy As Conference, The Philosophy Programme, University of London, 2002
I co-organized this conference and presented a paper on 'Philosophy as an entertaining as structure'.
10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Modelling and Analysis, Monterrey, California, 2002
Presented a paper on 'An architecture for anomaly detection in large complex critical infrastructures'.
SEP 5th Annual Conference, University College, Cork, 2002
Presented a paper on 'Alienation ends with the modern subject'.